Ghunsa Khola HEP


A recent revision of the feasibility study for GKHEP has reaffirmed the project's technical soundness. Furthermore, a thorough financial analysis underscores its economic viability, promising substantial returns on investment. The project's original EIA received approval in 2012. In a significant recent development, the SEIA Report, which delves deeper into the environmental implications and corresponding mitigation strategies of the project, secured its approval. This approval is a precursor to initiating significant procurement activities, contingent upon the fulfillment of specific financial prerequisites.

Currently, the project is navigating through its pre-construction phase. Strategic measures are being adopted by RHL to ensure project execution.


Salient Features





1. Basic Data

3. Major Civil Structures


Diversion Tunnel Length


290.0 m


Project Name


Ghunsa Khola HEP

Diversion Weir


Un-gated, 32 m wide




Taplejung District



2 Nos., Radial Gated


Province- 01



2 Nos.



Connecting Tunnels





Simple Run off River

2 Nos.


Desilting Chambers


2 Nos.


2. General Hydraulics

0.2 mm with > 90 % trapping efficiency




Ghunsa River

Headrace Tunnel


4209 m


Gross head


432.00 m


Construction Adits


4 Nos.


Design Flow


21.28 m3/s

Surge Shaft


6.0 m dia


55.6 m high


Pressure Shaft


824.03 m


Source: Updated DPR